About Me

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New York, NY, United States
An inquisitive soul in search of every reason to smile on a daily basis. At times a true wanderer. I travel this journey with my beautiful wife Jessica; I love everything from rain to rainbows ; sunrise to sunsets; downward dog to plank. :) I seek natural wellness and healing through music; yoga; meditation; aromatherapy a good book, a creative wardrobe, and art. The exchange of uplifting words and actions is invaluable. We are beyond the beauty we see, the decisions we make and the laughter we share. Ohm~

Friday, June 11, 2010

Spirituality & Religion

The dear topic of pure controversy. If there are three things you should not discuss in public, its homosexuality, religion and politics. Im gay, proud and as happy as the word gay itself gets. So I wont go into the first topic. No one's opinion matters but mine on that subject lol
Politics... hmmm well aside from the fact that I know nothing about it; I have no real interest in it. Because I cant stand Government systems and how they operate ... live off of and ruin our lives.
If I ruled the world: here is what it would look like.... Buddhist =]
And not in a religion aspect. Because There is a huge difference between religion and spirituality.
In the aspects of the Buddha where we all abide by laws of morality, honesty, loyalty, compassion, kindness, all things beautiful in nature and in humans. And not laws imposed by sefishness, or by a book, or by anyone really but the very santity of our hearts. We are all born pure; innocent souls into this corrupted, sinful life... And i cant help but think... Had man from the begining of time led himself in a way that showed knowledge and love both to his partner and to his planet... every other person born from them; would by example be the same. How is it that according to the Bible, God created man in his image but then ALLOWED Satan to tempt the beliefs and principles he instituted on his creations?
Oh, to give them the choice of serving him or not? What does that even mean? What choice? They knew no better than to just embrace all that came along.. they had no example... they had no guide... Oh, dont eat from that tree! Is God's commandment... and b/c u couldn't follow, led by the tempting beautiful "snake" in the garden.... Ure a Sinner! And goodbye you're out of God's paradise world... and Cursed you and your husband have become just because he trusted his wife; who trusted the snake.. who God , who has the power to create this whole Earth and the two ppl living in it at the time, decided... eh lemme see what they do. As oppsed to reminding them; because they were like children, new to all this LIVING situation and rules and such.. I asked u to pls not touch that tree. And Eve would have certainly said ah yes, ure right.. ill walk away now. So im sorry but I dont choose to believe that the reason we are here today, in this world destined to kill itself and its inhabitants, is that God indeed doesnt test us; but indeed allows us all to make the wrong choices, and then punishes us for life, and our offspring and the whole world is a mess and yet he says... oh if you follow me and listen to my word the bible.. u will be saved!
How am i supposed to believe Salvation comes from someone who allowed HIS world to turn to shit?! This is all too confusing and emotional for me!
And so Buddhists,,,, in my opinion have the right idea... U can't escape pain and suffering in this world.. and its no ones fault but ur own... So work on you.. on being with urself.. in the present moment... every day... every minute.. until you see the things in you that are permitting this suffering and finally... in an effort to end it all; LET GO> Let go of the egotistical attachments... let go of the rage.. let go of the hate.. of the sefishness... because really.. if just one person starts this.. and then influences his family to live the same way.. who in turn influences their coworkers and friends and friends of friends in other countries... to find themselves b/c we are all truly instituted of kindness and compassion.. and are tainted by all the differing thoughts and beliefs and pov's.... then this world.. my world and yours and every continents and every landmark, tree, water system... would be cleansed! Cleansed of our own insanity that we build upon ourselves as a race... I cant effect the whole world... And im starting to feel afraid that i sound like a Preacher!~but im starting with me. And i live with laughter love and PEACE in my soul,,, as to be of the best outcome of my universe who holds me so lightly in place no matter where i find myself. I seek spirituality,, not religion... not confusement.. not conflict... I seek MYSELF. <3

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